BETH SCHOLTEN: We are at the down and quilt shop on Amsterdam, between 85th and 86th and I'm Beth Scholten.
I am the owner for 40 years, 40 long years at this point, and we just keep trying to sell stuff that people want.
When my mom came up and helped me open up when I was 23 she did all the sewing, like duvet covers, pillow cases, you know, dust ruffles, curtains. And I got my father involved - he's an engineer - and he used to have a factory in Ohio, and he made the down comforters. That was a long time ago.
Now we do lots of re upholstery so that you can't get online. So that's helped us a lot. And now we have all this crazy college stuff in the window that old people, young people, you know they like it!
CAROLINE MCCARTHY: You're listening to Uptown radio Thursdays at four you.